Homecoming advice
Castration: Cat
Today we have neutered your cat. This means that we have operated on her ovaries / his testicles.
Wound care:
+ You should not wash the wound.
+ It is important that the cat does not lick or bite the wound as it can become infected and heal worse. Put on a collar if the cat would like to do so.
+ Keep the cat indoors, male cat at least 3 days, female cat at least 5 days after surgery.
Contact me if:
The animal has a reduced general condition, seems lethargic or behaves abnormally.
The wound becomes tender, red, discolored, severely swollen or liquefied. Swelling with normal general condition and tender wound is normal and a reaction to the thread you are sewing with.
The cat's metabolism changes after the ovaries / testicles are removed. This means that it is easier to become overweight Overweight cats have a higher risk of getting diseases such as diabetes (diabetes) and urinary stones. This is counteracted by reviewing the feeding. We are happy to help you with this.
Pain relief: (Only for female cats)
Give pain relief during the time stated in the prescription or on the medicine you may have taken with you.
During today's visit, your pet has received sedatives in connection with its treatment.
The animal should during the rest of the day:
Take it easy! The animal's balance may be affected by the sedative and it should therefore
do not exercise or move on uneven surfacesHave access to water.
Waiting with food for the animal is completely alert or at least two hours.
Have the opportunity to urinate a little more often. Some sedatives are diuretic and can therefore
urinate more than normal after treatment.
Contact me immediately if:
The animal still feels very tired and if it is difficult to get in touch with 2 hours after the treatment.
Neutered rabbit
Pet Owners Advice:
Today your rabbit has been neutered. He has been anesthetized and may be tired from the anesthesia in the afternoon and evening.
When you get home you should:
+ Keep the rabbit under surveillance as long as he is tired.
+ Let the rabbit rest in a quiet and warm place.
Over the next week, they will:
+ Check the wounds daily.
+ Avoid washing after touching the wounds.
+ Check that the cage is clean and dry.
Contact your veterinarian if:
The rabbit continues to be tired and will not start eating and drinking.
The wounds liquefy, swell or otherwise look strange.
Other information:
A neutered male rabbit can be fertile for up to 6 weeks after the procedure. Avoid having the rabbit with a female during this period.
Castration male dog
Your animal has been neutered, which means that the testicles have been operated on and the male sex hormone thus disappears.
Your animal has been operated on under sterile conditions and should therefore not have problems with wound infection. Check daily that the wound looks fine. Make sure it is kept clean and dry. Wash / dry if necessary with Chlorhexidine solution.
If it swells, bleeds or hurts, contact your veterinarian.
The stitches disappear by themselves. It takes about 7-10 days for the skin wound to heal.
It is important that your dog does not access his wound, as this can prevent healing and cause infection. Collar or other protection (sweater, socks, airy bandage) is used when your dog is not under supervision. It is important that the surgical wound is not closed in tight dressings that give rise to a humid environment that promotes bacterial growth. Wear collar for 10 days.
Make sure the collar is the right size so your dog does not get to his wound. Remove the collar a few times every day and wipe the inside. At the same time let the ears and skin air and dry.
If you are unsure of how to prevent your pet from accessing its wound, do not hesitate to contact us for advice.
Keep in mind that your pet has a tendency to gain weight after castration.
Metabolism can decrease as much as 20%. Therefore, pay attention to the weight of your pet. Adjust the amount and type of feed as needed.
Give painkillers as prescribed. Start tomorrow. If the dog has a very hard time coming to rest in the evening, give Vetergesic, which you brought with you from the clinic in a bag. Given in the mouth under the tongue.
Since your pet has been asleep today, think about the following:
It is normal for the animal to be shaky and tired after anesthesia. Let your pet sleep in a dark, quiet room.
Take care of your pet regularly.
Your pet may receive small portions of food when it returns home. Sit with your pet the first portions.
If your pet has a shaved area with a small bandage on the front leg, this can be removed when you get home.
Mild whooping cough may occur in the next few days due to the tube your animal has had in the throat during anesthesia.
Your pet should only walk short leashes until the wound has healed.